Online shop based on wrist watch visual constructor

E-commerce solution implementation and maintenance
Business Intelligence
Online wrist watch shop Crasto.
Goal Develop wrist watch visual constructor that makes it possible to create watch designs and choose the ready-made variants. Connect application to CS-cart.
Our solution
We started our work with a search for ready-made online shop solutions. It had to have following functions: ordering, online catalogue, adding products, order tracking.

As we didn't find any flexible platform we had to develop proper client part satisfying the requirements.
We managed to create web application for wrist watch visual constructor, enrich the client part with the strong logic that enables to load watch elements in a browser window dynamically and show them in the constructor. Moreover we designed user-friendly constructor interface for adding different watch components (straps, collets, display and others).
Key features
1. Shop ready-made solutions
2. Create a unique design
3. Choose from suggested elements or download personal ones: watch strap, display, collet.
4. Add text
Technical Architecture
We used CS Cart for data storage and FabricJS for some other features such as constructor canvas, data loading and rendering of watches parts.
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