Electronic Document Management and Ordering Systems for US-based Insurance company

Stabilisation, development, long-time support and maintenance of company systems
Insurance Company based in the USA for years had been using various software programs and databases for their workflow processes – from lead to open order to closed order.
The company has 5 offices with in the United States.
With these non-integrated disparate systems, in 5 different locations and communicating with each office it created difficulties with processing orders, lost orders, tracking orders and maintaining uptime these systems and workflows.
It also became a challenge when updating the insurance rate tables and keeping them up to date for quoting and processing purposes.
Some of these systems lacked flexibility to make changes and updates therefore preventing the updating and modifying with new business requirements and security enhancements.
Develop a new rates / quote management system for internal and external clients.
Flexible functionality.
Integrated with accounting, websites and third-party management software.
Develop APIs / integrations so that various software programs and systems both internal and external.
Our solutions
For high level customer satisfaction and quality, we incorporate Scrum methodology with 2-week sprint lengths. For planning, status updates, review and other project related communications we utilized Trello.

Project Assessment:
Before start of project an audit was performed of the customer's software systems currently in place. Did a complete analysis of the various areas, business logic, existing problems and processes within each area. This information went into a knowledge database.
A quoting / pricing management system was successfully developed, tested and implemented. A corporate intranet was also developed, tested and implemented. These systems were integrated with other 3rd party software. There databases from the legacy systems were successfully migrated from MySQL to Microsoft SQL Server.

Today our client's electronic document management and ordering systems are fully integrated with 22 of their clients and this number increases each month. This integration simplified customer's workflow and decreased employee's workload. Orders processing time was significantly reduced and is now trackable due to our development. Our customer has gained a considerable competitive advantage on the technology front.

Customers of insurance services (realtor companies) use various software to provide their document management processes. Concurrent using of different electronic documents management and ordering systems makes a large amount of difficulties with tracking and producing of clients orders. The absence of integrated connections between these systems caused a great inconvenience and stress for users and became a reason of orders missing and client's frustration. Also it was hard to keep insurance cost rates in relevant condition. Lack of flexibility of some systems that were used in company did not allowed to adopt them to new business requirements and held company's growth. That is why more of them should be often modified for an expensive cost.
Development of pricing management system
for insurance services – a Consolidated quotes engine with a flexible functionality and an integration with accounting and management software such as «Resware», «Encompas» and «Calyx». Migrating from existing system to developed one.
Development of integrations
or interaction with software of insurance services' customers («Encompas», «Calyx»).
To provide a high level of our customer's satisfaction and a high product's quality we use Scrum methodology with two-weeks length sprints. Sprint planning and statuses review is provided on Trello's board.
Before this project was started we performed an audit of customer's business software and found out existing problems. We studied customer's subject area and created a knowledgement base of customer's business logic and processes. We developed a number of standards for sprint planning, development, testing and products deployment and follow this standards nowadays. The pricing management system and a corporate website for internal users was successfully developed and implemented. Our customer uses this system with a pleasure and continues to enhance it's features with our help. This system was integrated with Encompas and Calyx software. The databases from old systems were successfully migrated from MySQL to Microsoft SQL Server, so all the history data was moved carefully.

Today our customer's electronic documents management and ordering systems are integrated with software of 22 clients and this value increases each month. Implemented integrations simplified customer's workflow, decreased employees workload. Orders processing time was significantly reduced and became well-trackable due to our development. The number of orders is growing. Our customer has got a considerable competitive advantage that lets it to expand its presence in the market of insurance services.
Technical architecture
Development is provided on Misrosoft .NET platform by means of WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), Microsoft SQL Server as database management system. AngularJS framework is used for front-end development.
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