We are awesomе and easy going ;{[]
Let's get acquainted!
We are a result-driven team of web and mobile specialists from Siberia, Russia. Our professionals and IT-experts create challenging and advanced IT-solutions for business. We develop fully functional tools working closely with our clients and being sensitive to their specific needs. Let's get to work together to bring your ideas to life going beyond the digital limits.

Our goal is creating complex and interesting products which will be useful to people.

Creating interesting and useful tools is our passion. We put all our energy in everything we makе to provide our clients with high-quality products. We believe that every person and every business is unique. Client's needs is our guiding light. We always give our clients valuable advice on better approaches and more appropriate features to deliver major benefits to people we work with. Our work is guided by Kaizen principles. We are eager to learn and continually improve our professional skills. We rapidly enhance our performance, optimise our working processes, establish new working standards. We get high goals and succeed.

Values of our company

People, ideas and love. These core values describes our company from the outside (our relations with the customers) and the inside (relations within our company).
People are the key source of our company. Service performance means that people, their skills and the way they treat their work have a great impact on the quality of the end product and customer's satisfaction.

We work with people and for people. We create convenient high quality products that is proof of our efficiency and competence.

Our work is distinguished by individual approach to each client, maximum consideration of your desires and peculiarities of your business. We put all our creative capacity in designing exclusive product for you.

We are anxious about company expansion. For this purpose we have various mechanisms which help us to grow and develop. We often meet for brain stormings, project discussions and wrap-ups.

Love is a primary source of our work. Love gives us start. Why do we want to create new things? Why do we want to move forward? Because we love our clients, love the process itself, love this game that is called Life and want to pay back for its splendid gifts.

We strive to make products that benefit people. We want to be useful to society and companies. We are here to help you to save your time, learn new things, get new clients and increase your income. Obviously it is possible only if there is love. We love what we do and we love people we serve.

Developers, designers, testers and analysts are brought together in our crew.
We are inspired by the common idea that helps us to find and produce really useful mobile and web solutions.
How we work
Let's get to know each other!
Do you have a fabulous idea? Contact us and we will attentively listen to you and offer you the best possible business solution. We will analyse your business goals and design the product according to your business model. We will specify the strategy of its step-by-step progress.

  • Team: Sales manager and Project manager.
  • Results: Brief and primary decision, preliminary estimate of cost and terms.
Business analytics
Analytics is of a high priority in our work: we figure out all the requirements and business processes, make marketing, strategic and tech analysis. We make technical project and design, plan every step of our work, agree on the functionality, time-limits and the price. Then we conclude an agreement.

  • Team: Project manager, Business analyst, Marketing specialist, Designer, Sales manager, Team leader.
  • Results: Design specification, contractual agreement (functions, terms and project cost).
Design and development
We offer the full range of works on creating useful applications and websites. Our products meet requirements set to the projects of new generation. The project manager enforces clear deadlines and manages requirements at any stage of the product development. He is in touch with the customer. Every two weeks we demonstrate the progress of our work so the customer is always aware of the latest project development updates.

  • Team: Project manager, Designer, Team leader, Developers.
  • Results: First version of the software product
Quality control
We ensure effective quality control, work out the documentation and monitor the product's implementation. Our engineers use consumer profile based on analysis results and then examine produced business solution with great care. Our experienced testers from the Quality Department will take care of the product efficiency and robustness. They will make sure the end-product complies with all the standards and requirements.

  • Team: QA specialist, Project manager.
  • Results: The product conforming to requirements of the customer and ready to use in business.
Start and support
You will get profitable product. Our solutions differ advantageously by proper software architecture and high quality code. We develop software solutions for B2C companies and new business ideas to increase the profit and and customer's loyalty. We work in continuous contact with our client with the help of cross-platform technologies.
Our photos
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