Concept design for a charity social network

Concept design for new generation charity social network
Business Intelligence
Anna was dreaming about making the world a better place and came to us with an idea to help people.
Anna's friends wanted to help people but such famous websites as VK, and others couldn't give guarantees. Many proposals to help people there but no one knows for sure whether a fraud takes place.
Develop user-friendly social network design that would solve customer's issues. Plan user interaction with the interface.
Our solution
We've come a long way to handle the issue. There were numerous meetings with the customer and lots of analytical work. Finally, we had the solution.

To protect users from a fraud we decided to make two-factor authentication for companies and created system that shows users stats and allows to track their activity. We've also made an outstanding design to differ this network from the existing ones.
We implemented: user interface (for an individual), authorisation/registration system, mechanics of creating user interests and search functionality for them, account ,editing function, user wall, abilities to create notes and manage them, comment and like posts, thank people manage subscriptions - follow/unfollow other users.

We also had to develop mechanics of sending and receiving personal messages and sending contributions to charitable foundations.

Technical architecture
We implemented this project as an AngularJS application which operates data via REST Web API of a server. For real-time interactions, web socket connections have been used.

The Web API has been implemented on NodeJS platform using a database on MongoDB more most of a data storing. To provide a data consistency for financial transactions, transactions data and users accounts are stored in a separate database on PostgreSQL.

For posts searching, we have built a full-text index based on the Elastic Search platform.

A system architecture of the project provides a stable work for 10 000 of users and allow simple horizontal scaling in case of growing load.
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