Online store of catering equipment and trade in Siberia

E-commerce solution design development and maintenance
The HoReCa company is engaged in the sale of complex sets of catering equipment and trade, it provides a full range of services that contribute to the development of new and existing venues. They offer complete opening trade and public catering solutions for "turnkey" establishments.
  • Develop a website for an online store.
  • Develop custom functions to automate the process of importing goods from suppliers' website.
  • Provide the ability to easily select, order and pay for goods.
  • Conduct post-project maintenance.

Our solution

What has been done

Work began with the Customer offering their vision for the website. Our team then gathered all the analyses, after which we developed a their online store.

The main problem the team faced was the limited CMS CS Cart opportunities. It was not possible to fully realize the wishes of the customer, as the project was implemented during severe exchange rate fluctuations. In this regard, constant updating of commodity prices was required. The introduction of the automated goods ordering system allowed for the following:

  • automatically changing the price of goods, taking into account the current exchange rate;
  • updating the online store became simple and took very little time (1 or a couple of clicks);
  • products, that the user update in the online store themselves, are automatically imported not "changed" (not deleted, not deactivated);
  • editing product descriptions, which are updated from the supplier's warehouse, that they make with a copywriter's help, did not disappear (this is important for for the SEO);
  • receive reports on what new items have appeared, and which are no longer for sale;
  • if the product is present in the supplier's system in more than one category, you need to bind the goods to the appropriate category on the online store's side.
During the development of our project were also carried out tasks for downloading information on more than 300,000 products from publicly accessible sites, processing the data and loading the goods into the online store. However, the project team ran into protective mechanisms when taking information about the goods from third-party sites. This prevented the data from being rapid loaded into the internet shop. With the projects team knowledge of computer security, the team was able to circumvent these mechanisms, resulting in an automatic procedure for data collection which went uninterrupted for one and a half weeks.
The project team finished working on all of the identified shortcomings, which was an especially non-standard situation that created a need to develop non-standard features to allow for data to be imported to the online store.
Alexander Efremov
Project manager
As part of creating an online store for the HoReCa Suite online store was developed, content information about products was implemented, and customer requirements for the development of non-standard functions to automate importing goods from suppliers' website were met. we developed a function for filtering products, as well as created comfortable navigation in the catalog system: equipment, furniture, dishes, inventory in stock and "custom to order." Photos and detailed information about every product is available.

The online store in Krasnoyarsk is ready to provide a huge range of exhibition, refrigeration, food, trade, canteen, cafe, restaurant, bakery, pastry manufacturing, and hotel equipment.
Individual approach for "Turnkey Cafe". Easily navigatable goods through a catalog developed with 4 thematic sections, each of which contains different categories.
  • photos and a detailed descriptions of the goods;
  • availability of cart and profile page while preserving purchase history;
  • simple "quick checkout" process;
  • email mailing lists.
Benefits for customers
  • easy-to-use online store;
  • automated goods ordering process from suppliers' sites;
  • real time interaction with the customer;
  • rapid restitution of customer needs;
  • expansion of conversions and site sales.
Technical Architecture
Product data was imported from the suppliers' price lists and the data was uploaded to the online store and implemented on the CS Cart platform. The system functions as a dedicated web-based service, hosted on a separate server and interacts with the online store on the CS Cart platform through an API.
When collecting data for filling goods store we used the Scrapy tool to create a spider-collector. Once we the data collection was completed, an algorithm was implemented matching the original product categories targeted on the "HoReCa Suite" site.
Alexander Kalinin
Team leader
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