Online store of chandeliers and lamps in Siberia

E-commerce solution design development and maintenance
Arka - studio light is a chandelier and lamp shop in the city of Krasnoyarsk, as well as a representation of well-known foreign brands. The company offers magnificent, concise, stylish and functional solutions in classic or modern styles.
  • Develope a user-friendly online shop with non-standard functions.
  • Integrate the accounting system of the company products with their website.
  • Provide the ability to easily select, order and pay for goods.
  • Conduct post-project maintenance.

Our solution

What has been done

The project was built on the basis of CMS CS Cart. Integration of online store was carried out with a 1C system of the customer. It allowed us to solve the following technical problems:

  • publication of commodities' nomenclature in the online store catalog;
  • transmission of orders on the site in 1C for processing;
  • unloading order processing results to the website for the customers' notice.
Geting information in real time can be done because of the "1C" in the online shop - information about products, prices, remaining products in orders, as well as information for the store in the "1C" - on orders, status, payment systems, customers, contractors.
Benefits for customers
- easy-to-use online store;
- real time interaction with the customer;
- rapid restitution of customer needs;
- expansion of conversions and site sales.
As part of creating an online store for the Arka online store was developed, content information about products was implemented, and customer requirements for the development of non-standard functions to automate importing goods from suppliers' website were met. we developed a function for filtering products, as well as created comfortable navigation in the catalog system. Photos and detailed information about every product is available.
Easily navigatable goods through a catalog developed with 4 thematic sections, each of which contains different categories. Availability of cart and profile page while preserving purchase history.
  • photos and a detailed description of the goods;
  • easy order processing and payment systems;
  • email mailing service.
Technical Architecture
Product data was imported from the suppliers' price lists and the data was uploaded to the online store and implemented on the CS Cart platform. The system functions as a dedicated web-based service, hosted on a separate server and interacts with the online store on the CS Cart platform through an API.
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