Marketing conference guide chat bot for Telegram messenger

Development, launch and support during a major marketing conference
Eugene is marketing conference manager in Krasnoyarsk.
We had to benefit from mobile technologies and allow managers to coordinate almost 200 conference attendees in the most effective way.
Find original and innovative solution and gain wow-effect.
Establish mechanics that easily guides users through conference schedule and allow them to get information about speakers and the reports. This mechanics should also let managers control data real fast and easy.
Make process of interaction between managers and conference members convenient and informative.
Create marketing tricks.
Our solution
As customer needs were found out our team decided to create a Telegram Bot.

First of all, nothing can be as handy for managers, volunteers and conference attendees as their smartphones.
Secondly, we had tight time frame as the conference had to take place in a month. We could create a bot code in a week whereas a mobile app with similar feature set could take us for about a month.
Thirdly, bots are as trendy as messengers (especially Telegram) where they are implemented.

We handled it with just two team members: a project manager/marketer and a full-stack developer and achieved our goal in a week.
Almost in a week we've created a bot with a minimum necessary set of features. This bot significantly simplified the process of coordinating attendees at the conference. That was all the managers wanted.

For managers:
  • Managers can produce attendees with the schedule, hall scheme, information about speakers, their reports and partners stands.
  • Instant info update.
  • Managers can send out news and important messages.
  • Managers can answer attendees questions.
  • Managers can conduct a survey on reports and ask attendees evaluating speakers presentations.

For attendees:
  • User-friendly conference guide.
  • Relevant information about the reports, platforms and partners.
  • Hall schemes.
  • Instant notifications and event reminders.
  • Attendees can ask managers and reporters questions in a chat room.
  • Reports reviews.
  • Bonuses and coupons from partners.
Technical architecture
Node.js is a cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment for executing JavaScript on server side.

node-telegram-bot-api is a Node.js module, which is used to interact with official Telegram Bot API.

MongoDB is a document-oriented database, which is used to store information about schedule of the conference, questions and feedbacks.
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