Mobile website for airport guests

Development and support of website for mobile gadgets
International airport "Emelyanovo" in Krasnoyarsk.
Mobile device users found browsing the site uncomfortable with phones and tablets.
  • The site is ensured to work on key mobile platforms iOS and Android specific versions.
  • An adaptive application for tablets will be made.

Our solution

What has been done
Since the Client did not have a vision of the final product, we have proposed a solution for convenient presentation of the key elements of the site, such as flight displays, flight schedules, services, airport diagrams among other things.

The problem was that the technology used by the client limited the choice of tools to create a mobile version. Therefore, our team had to carry out a study of existing technologies, and then define a list of possible options. Then we selected the optimal set of functions that allow for the convenient presentation of data on mobile devices. So we were able to solve the problem in a short amount of time. Thus, Material design, graphic elements developed at Google, were the tools used to create the mobile version.

In addition, due to the use of an outdated encryption client, there were display problems. To fix all of the problems, the source code of the site was transferred from KOI8 to a modern UTF8 form.
What could user possibly need?

Our suggestions are:
  • Online flight schedule
  • The menu with navigation on the website
  • The list of services and all that it is possible to find in the airport
Since the customer has the English version of the website, we had to adapt the solutions used by the customer with advanced technology. Due to the fact that we already had experience with a similar problem, our team offered the customers a solution that doesn't waste time creating a separate English version of the site. We took advantage of the internationalization of technology that has allowed for a single version of the site to display the English and Russian texts.
A mobile version of the Emelyanova Krasnoyarsk airport website has been developed, which will allow it to be used by all existing popular brands of mobile devices. The mobile version allows for device adaptability, which the website offers.
Technical Architecture
Our development team used the following solutions in this project:
Vbootstrap - intuitive, powerful and responsive front end framework. It helped to create an adaptive version of the website in a short time.
Materialize - modern responsive CSS framework. Allowed to issue mobile version of the site, using the tools of graphic elements developed at Google.
jQuery - cross-platform JavaScript library that simplifies customer development.
CMS - Content Management system from Maxsoft.
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