Web-based management system for a small village in Siberia

Development, launch a support of a web-based management system for small village administration and dwellers

We were approached by Ivan Moltyansky, a Chamonix project manager representing the cottage village near the city of Krasnoyarsk, who needed control systems automated, including control over virtually all spheres of life in the village.
Develop automated self-settlement management system.
Ensuring the following:
1. The ability to monitor and control access control systems, sustience, surveillance and other settlement automation systems.
2. The ability to integrate it with existing equipment and those that are planned to be commisioned.
3. An expandable system, making it easy to introduce new functional modules.
4. Uninterrupted systems that work 24/7.

Our solution

What has been done
The project was carried out on the SCADA platform. The platform was selected due to its broad functionality, ease of use, and this solution satisfies the strategy of further development of the company's information structure.

In the first stage - pre-project analyses - the team was headed by a project manager, a detailed study of the object was made, interviews were also conducted with Customer representatives, which allowed us to obtain a complete picture of solution requirements and results expected. According to the results, Terms of Reference were developed and approved, including a detailed description of the information structure, functional specifications and a detailed project schedule.
Further the development team carried out work on setting up and developing all the necessary functions for the system, namely:
Border control module
Whose main tasks are the implementation of cooperation with the border controller, managing the list of ta rooms and quick search for them in the database, fixing events directions and view border control reports.
Sms modul
Is responsible for sending sms messages, organizing the distribution and processing of analytical results.
Scheduling module
That allows for interacting with the energy metering devices, generating a receipt for payment and notifying the presence of an abnormal situation, such as cost overruns or leaks.
Web module
Which has an open part of the village site and closed - an account page for personal accounts. On the site, all the residents and the administration can interact with each other in the forum, as well as view images from cctv cameras. With the help of a personal account pages, users can quickly manage virtually all processes living in the cottage.
A database
Containing information on all the houses, the owners and their vehicles permitted to travel.
On completion of the development phase, the project team started to integrate the modules, and then conducted a test of all the automated system functions and the removal of identified notes. At the end of this phase, the system was introduced and placed on the customer's computing facilities. The team developed all the required documentation of the project outcomes.
Alexander Efremov
Project manager
Village administration has received a web-based interface for managing travel entering into the territory, monitoring energy consumption, sending SMS messages, while a personal account was created for residents, where they can easily pay utility bills, view the camera in the village and to discuss pressing issues together. The web interface can be accessed from any device, both inside and outside the village.
The intelligent system "knows" cars of all villagers and automatically opens the gate at the entrance and exit of the village.
It monitors any abnormal situation in the village, such as leakage, accident, unauthorized access, and promptly notify the operator about them.
Technical Architecture
The project was carried out using the NodeJS technology stack, AngularJS and PostgreSQL using industrial automation LabView, which was responsible for the integration of external sensors and devices.
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